Be Like a Kite: A Poetic Encounter at the Hand-Painted Kites Workshop

Be Like a Kite: A Poetic Encounter at the Hand-Painted Kites Workshop

Be Like a Kite


Be like a kite – anchored, yet free to fly

Emerging from different cycles of life

Like bears from hibernation's deep embrace

We greet, we hug, we find our place


Discovering the paper mushroom, we find the Flowing Barn community nestled under the cool shade of a grand tree.


Drawing breath, our minds attune


To birds’ songs and leaves’ soft tune


Opening our eyes, we find


Refreshed faces, beaming and kind


Beneath the grand tree, on the soft grass, we gather for a guided meditation before painting.


Brighter adventures now we seek


Shoulder to shoulder, strong and meek


Faces unmasked, hearts open wide


Sharing pallets, side by side


Bonding over a shared painting experience with friends, family, or your significant other


Brushes dipped in shared wells


Words and laughter, their joy tells


From depths beyond what we can tell


Restoring bonds, we know so well

 "This is the happiest moment of my week!" exclaimed a young participant.


Kites on strings, ready to soar


Facing sun and wind, we explore


Ever dreaming, wandering still


Embracing the unknown with a will


Nothing beats the joy of flying your hand-painted kite with friends and family.


Our Group Photo, beaming with joy


June 26, 2024
Written by Tina
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